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This special Ultimate Energy Medicine Bundle includes Dr Sundardas' cutting edge and groundbreaking book, "The Art & Science of Vibrational Medicine" which took Dr Sundardas 26 years to research and write. This ultimate bundle also includes his award-winning Amazon Bestseller, "Protecting Yourself and Your Family Against Radiation Toxicity.


An excerpt from "The Art & Science of Vibrational Medicine"

"This book reflects a labour of love that stretches to almost 26 years. I have had an endur- ring interest in the nature of Energy Medicine. This was a strange fascination almost obsession that was at odds with my scientific training and analytic mindset. At the same time there was almost a perverse desire that kept pulling me to keep exploring.          


So I remember X-ray diffraction laboratory experiments, analyzing the optical spectra not to mention assembling circuit boards and messing around with circuit boards. Years later, after I had completed my first degree in Physics and I was studying Acupuncture, I was equally fascinated by the idea of Chi and universal life force energy.          


When I was subsequently doing my thesis for my Bachelor of Science (Naturopathy) degree, I picked on the concept of Energy Healing. This was more than 20 years ago. I advanced the idea that the human energy field had multiple energetic components. Some were measurable with current technology. Others could only be measured by the equipment that was yet to be designed."


An excerpt from "Protecting Yourself and Your Family Against Radiation Toxicity


"Your cellular phone sends out energy or radio waves that are very similar to the ones used by your microwave oven to reheat leftover pizza. Does that make you wonder what your cell phone might be doing to your brain?


Some internet sites claim that cell phones are so dangerous and

powerful you can use their radiation to pop corn, boil an egg and even roast a chicken. That would be scary if it were true, but it’s NOT true.


It’s also not true that the electromagnetic fields created by cell phones are perfectly safe. That’s what the phone manufacturers would like us to believe. They’ve commissioned studies that conveniently couldn’t find any increased health risks at all from cell phone use.


The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Here’s what you need to know about the risk of using your cell phone and a few simple ways you can protect yourself."


The Ultimate Energy Medicine Bundle

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